
Hydropower is the main source of energy in Tajikistan, followed by imported oil, gas and coal. However, Tajikistan's energy sector is prone to supply shocks, due to seasonal shortages. Energy policy focuses on providing uninterrupted energy access to all users while improving regional co‑operation and energy sector efficiency, but significant domestic and foreign investment will be necessary for continued energy sector development. Tajikistan is part of the EU4Energy Progamme, an initiative focused on evidence-based policymaking for the energy sector.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2022

  • Advance energy sector reforms

    Including restructuring of the state-owned electric utility Barqi Tojik, establishing an independent regulator, gradually increasing electricity and heat tariffs to full cost recovery levels and removing energy subsidies and moving to targeted social support for the most vulnerable.

  • Foster cross border electricity

    Continue encouraging cross-border electricity trading to optimise resource use and enhance energy security.

  • Regulate coal mining and industry

    Ensure that coal mining and coal-based industrial developments comply with best practice for environmental liability and adhere to the highest environmental and safety standards in all coal-fired generation and coal-based industrial developments.

  • Consolidate various energy policies

    Consolidate and co-ordinate policies in the areas of district heating and cooling, oil, natural gas, coal, and energy efficiency fields, and support the development and demonstration of efficient, integrated systems to supply heating, cooling and electricity (trigeneration).

  • Consider holding emergency oil stocks

    With necessary legal and regulatory framework, including requirements for regular emergency response exercises to test system responsiveness in case of supply disruption.

  • Enhance official energy statistics management and use

    Use official energy statistics as the basis of strategic policy directions and measuring progress. Support TajStat to increase data disaggregation and accuracy of energy end uses and to further align the production and dissemination of official energy statistics with international recommendations.

  • Improve energy related GHG reporting

    Encourage closer co-operation between the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory compiler and TajStat to further improve energy-related GHG reporting and analysis and the underlying energy statistics.

  • Develop a more comprehensive demand-side energy efficiency policy framework

    Including building codes, passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards, minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and labelling for appliances and energy-using equipment, and well-enforced audit requirements for industry.

  • Support small renewable energy businesses

    Foster using incentives for small renewable energy suppliers to encourage entrepreneurship and the establishment of small businesses in the energy sector.

  • Foster efficiency and renewable markets’ development

    Create a designated entity in charge of energy-efficient and renewable energy market development.

  • Formulate an integrated energy research and development (R&D) strategy

    Based on close co-ordination with the Academy of Sciences and its public research institutions, relevant ministries, national enterprises, SMEs, international financial institutions (IFIs), and other bilateral or multilateral donors in the energy sector.

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