
Energy policy in Belarus focuses on providing reliable energy while reducing import–dependence, particularly on natural gas from a single supplier. The government is contemplating attractive investment measures and fuel diversification to reduce natural gas consumption and include more coal and renewables into the country's energy mix, while developing local energy sources and introducing nuclear power. Belarus has also prioritized improving energy efficiency in electricity and heat production and is phasing out subsidies for electricity, heat and gas, which is expected to make the energy sector more market-focused and investor-friendly. Belarus is part of the EU4Energy Programme, an initiative focused on evidence-based policy making for the energy sector.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2015

  • Establish an attractive investment framework

    Ensure predictability of the investment climate, including honouring the long-term investment commitments to enable financing of key opportunities.

  • Foster the development of green electricity

    Promote grid integration of renewable energy, ensure attractiveness of green tariffs to the grid operators and electricity distribution branches; establish detailed, clear and transparent rules for third-party access to electricity grids.

  • Further develop the legislative framework for electricity and heat

    Continue working towards improving electricity and heat laws (including considerations for legal unbundling) and ensure their timely adoption.

  • Continue working to decrease energy demand and increase energy security

    Promote energy efficiency measures, paying particular attention to demand-side management options, and encourage renewable energy development to ease high energy import dependence that will also enhance energy security.

  • Prioritise the removal of fossil-fuel subsidies

    Continue working towards gradually phasing out energy subsidies.

Belarus data explorer

