The Low-Carbon Energy Research Funding Initiative

Last updated: 4 November 2022

The Low-Carbon Energy Research (LCER) Funding Initiative (FI) is a multi-agency initiative that aims to develop low-carbon energy technologies in hydrogen and carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), to support the decarbonisation of the power and industry sectors. 

The first grant call was issued in 2021 and focused on developing low and medium technology readiness level (TRL) technologies (i.e. low: TRL 1-3, medium: TRL 4-6). Singapore selected 12 research, development and demonstration projects as part of the first call, totalling SGD 55 million.

  • Hydrogen: Projects will look at developing easier ways to transport hydrogen by using ammonia, and enabling the safe deployment of hydrogen by developing sensors to detect hydrogen leaks. One project will explore reducing the cost of using Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers for the transportation of hydrogen.
  • CCUS: Projects will explore using captured CO2 to make alternatives to sand which can be used for construction purposes. Others include developing CO2 capture technologies such as novel membranes or novel materials to absorb CO2 using ashes collected from Singapore’s waste-to-energy facilities. One project will also explore the use of captured CO2 and water to produce important commodity chemicals for industrial processes.

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